I shall submit my Prompt Quest #2 story, which I like very much and clearly a lot of other people did too, as it has about 4 times as many likes as anything else I've posted.
Ah - I totally approve of your sponsorship approach Brian - this creates quite a rich environment and it adds a nice little spice into the mix. May it all go swimmingly!
“I hadn’t been one of billions who’d hoped, feared or wagered they’d be picked. Like every year, I’d ignored the lottery hype. Then my ID had appeared on every home terminal, each alphanumeric glowing with implicit acceptance. I’d frozen in disbelief as my sobbing spouse held one hand and my dog licked the other.”
Inspirational sources for this story include H2G2, Sophie's World, L. Frank Baum, Monty Python and 2000AD's Torquemada.
Thanks again, Brian, for all you do - and also to this season's sponsor!
I'd like to submit my Prompt Quest #2 story, the Thoughts of K'Pra, which I thought I'd already done honestly but I just now realized the deadline is now and I'm sorry about that:
Speculative horror: when we ask "what if.....?" and are frightened by the answer we discover.I wrote this on accident as I was demonstrating different world-buildimg concepts (change, refuge, belief, and decay).
While I did a Prompt Quest #2 story, instead, I am going to do something wild and submit a different, even shorter, story!
Discount Interstellar, Inc. - We get more of you there for less!
"On a desolate Earth, a lonely soul risks everything on an interstellar journey, chasing love and a better life on a paradise planet—but discounts tend to come with their own prices."
Since it seems unlikely another story will be forthcoming before Saturday's deadline, I'll go ahead and submit "Dagger in the Dark" for Season Seven, though I'm not 100% confident in its status as a contender.
I shall submit my Prompt Quest #2 story, which I like very much and clearly a lot of other people did too, as it has about 4 times as many likes as anything else I've posted.
It can be read (or re-read, if you want to find something new in it, which I am sure you will) here: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/never-seen-stars?r=2s9hod
Oh - and all the best of luck to everyone else!
Ah - I totally approve of your sponsorship approach Brian - this creates quite a rich environment and it adds a nice little spice into the mix. May it all go swimmingly!
Entry verified! ✅
I'd like to submit a new short story, "Deep Calls to Deep"
Looking forward to reading everyone's stories! 🤩
Entry verified! ✅
I would like to submit my Prompt Quest #2 story, The Echo of Gods.
Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to share our work!
Entry verified! ✅
Thank you for hosting this, Brian!
I would like to submit my magical realism short story "City of the Dead".
I'm excited to take a look at the other pieces posted here! So many good things to read and so little time!
Entry verified! ✅
This one is really good. I really, really loved it...
Thank you so much, Evelyn!
I have a new tale in my Amy's Electronic Girls series of sci fi stories -- this one is inspired by the Grimm fairy tale Bluebeard :)
Entry verified! ✅
I'm also claiming a Prompt Quest #2 exemption in submitting my short story 'No Going Back' into the S7 competition round.
Can a BRAIN (Believably Rational AI Network) exist within a flawed utopia? What if Deep Thought met Dorothy? Just what is it about those shoes?
“I hadn’t been one of billions who’d hoped, feared or wagered they’d be picked. Like every year, I’d ignored the lottery hype. Then my ID had appeared on every home terminal, each alphanumeric glowing with implicit acceptance. I’d frozen in disbelief as my sobbing spouse held one hand and my dog licked the other.”
Inspirational sources for this story include H2G2, Sophie's World, L. Frank Baum, Monty Python and 2000AD's Torquemada.
Thanks again, Brian, for all you do - and also to this season's sponsor!
Entry verified! ✅
I'm submitting my first story called "Like a bat leaving the danger-zone"
It has a bit of humour and I hope some fun!
Entry verified! ✅
I'd like to submit my Prompt Quest #2 story, the Thoughts of K'Pra, which I thought I'd already done honestly but I just now realized the deadline is now and I'm sorry about that:
Entry verified! ✅ Thanks for participating in Prompt Quest #2 as well, Michael!
i’d like to submit the magic of old men. janetbess.substack.com/p/the-magic-of-old-men
Entry verified! ✅
I've got an entry! I just found this contest a few hours before the deadline! It must be a sign!
Thank you for the great content and this inspiring contest!
Entry verified! ✅
I hope I'm not too late, but I'd like to submit my short story, "The Decade Cycle":
Thank you. 😄
Entry verified! ✅
Speculative horror: when we ask "what if.....?" and are frightened by the answer we discover.I wrote this on accident as I was demonstrating different world-buildimg concepts (change, refuge, belief, and decay).
"The Bus"
Entry verified! ✅
DEPARTURE, 50-word story by Sharron Bassano at 🌿Leaves
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While I did a Prompt Quest #2 story, instead, I am going to do something wild and submit a different, even shorter, story!
Discount Interstellar, Inc. - We get more of you there for less!
"On a desolate Earth, a lonely soul risks everything on an interstellar journey, chasing love and a better life on a paradise planet—but discounts tend to come with their own prices."
I can't wait to read everyone's stories!
Thanks Brian, this is imho one of the best spaces on Substack!
Entry verified! ✅
Since it seems unlikely another story will be forthcoming before Saturday's deadline, I'll go ahead and submit "Dagger in the Dark" for Season Seven, though I'm not 100% confident in its status as a contender.
Entry verified! ✅ I'm 100% confident you're a great writer!
Ha, thanks very much, Brian! You're too kind 🙏
Hi Brian, I'd like to submit my latest story. I think your recent prompt quest has put AI at the front of my brain lately: https://open.substack.com/pub/samrake/p/soultrapped?r=32fu8f&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Thanks for hosting these awards!
Entry verified! ✅