Write, submit, earn prizes and get recognized.
I'd like to enter "Halo E'en" in the Short Story category:
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Michael!
Short story, 2,131 words, “The Quickening”:
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, David!
Short story entry:
Into the Gates of Hell: https://germanicuscaesar117.substack.com/p/into-the-gates-of-hell
Hi Brian, submitting my short story: Feedback Loop. Thanks!
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Christopher!
Shorty story entry, The Veteran: https://open.substack.com/pub/jamesrmarshall/p/the-veteran?r=1eqm6v&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, James!
I really enjoyed this.
Thank you for reading it.
Hi Brian, Please see below my short story. Hope all OK. Thanks again for organising this. It really is a great idea : -
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Daniel! 🎃
Happy October! Here's a story from nineteenth-century England with smugglers, witches and sea monsters.
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Natalie!
First chapter entry from Children of Shadows, a speculative novella set in a post-apocalyptic England:
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Harvey!
Thank you!
Entering just under the wire, a recently published short story in my new anthology series called the The Lover's Fire!
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, L.L.!
This very short last minute entry was written entirely this morning, once I realized my other entry was not working.
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Randall!
Here's my latest short story, a bit of speculative fiction entitled "FOUND," 973 words. Enjoy! https://storycauldron.substack.com/p/found
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Jackie! My writing prompt story has yet to be finished, but I'm thrilled to have yours along for the ride. 😁
Hi Brian, thanks to you, I am entering a First Chapter for a new novel, "Weekendless",
Chapter 1 is "The Last Long Good Saturday"
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Edward! The story was in there all along... you just needed a catalyst. 😁
Here's my Halloween-themed short story, "Halloween Candy," for consideration for Lunar Awards Season Four:
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Bill!
Short Story entry, 1478 words. Thanks for hosting!
Attack of the Vengeful Pumpkins
(Goes live Saturday 21st October 2023 at 01:30AM BST/12:30AM GMT(UTC).)
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Redd!
Short horror story: The Clown
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck!
Short story, 2339 words, "Cardboard Robot"
(Updated today!)
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Jordan! I'm happy to have you aboard.
I'd like to enter "Halo E'en" in the Short Story category:
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Michael!
Short story, 2,131 words, “The Quickening”:
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, David!
Short story entry:
Into the Gates of Hell: https://germanicuscaesar117.substack.com/p/into-the-gates-of-hell
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Michael!
Hi Brian, submitting my short story: Feedback Loop. Thanks!
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Christopher!
Shorty story entry, The Veteran: https://open.substack.com/pub/jamesrmarshall/p/the-veteran?r=1eqm6v&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, James!
I really enjoyed this.
Thank you for reading it.
Hi Brian, Please see below my short story. Hope all OK. Thanks again for organising this. It really is a great idea : -
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Daniel! 🎃
Happy October! Here's a story from nineteenth-century England with smugglers, witches and sea monsters.
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Natalie!
First chapter entry from Children of Shadows, a speculative novella set in a post-apocalyptic England:
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Harvey!
Thank you!
Entering just under the wire, a recently published short story in my new anthology series called the The Lover's Fire!
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, L.L.!
This very short last minute entry was written entirely this morning, once I realized my other entry was not working.
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Randall!
Here's my latest short story, a bit of speculative fiction entitled "FOUND," 973 words. Enjoy! https://storycauldron.substack.com/p/found
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Jackie! My writing prompt story has yet to be finished, but I'm thrilled to have yours along for the ride. 😁
Hi Brian, thanks to you, I am entering a First Chapter for a new novel, "Weekendless",
Chapter 1 is "The Last Long Good Saturday"
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Edward! The story was in there all along... you just needed a catalyst. 😁
Here's my Halloween-themed short story, "Halloween Candy," for consideration for Lunar Awards Season Four:
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Bill!
Short Story entry, 1478 words. Thanks for hosting!
Attack of the Vengeful Pumpkins
(Goes live Saturday 21st October 2023 at 01:30AM BST/12:30AM GMT(UTC).)
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Redd!
Short horror story: The Clown
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck!
Short story, 2339 words, "Cardboard Robot"
(Updated today!)
Entry verified. ✅ Good luck, Jordan! I'm happy to have you aboard.