Congrats Caroline! And to the honourable mentions. Looking forward to reading a few of these soon.

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Well done everyone! Congrats to Caroline on taking home the big one, and S.E. Reid on the honorable mention! Absolutely thrilled.

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Congratulations Caroline! And to the honourable mentions!

I’ve only read a few of these other submissions but even from that, I don’t envy the judges. Competition was fierce!

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Congratulations Caroline! Well done everyone!

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Congrats to the winners. You deserve it.

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Congrats to Caroline and the honourable mentionees! Thank you Brian and Winston for all your time and effort in making Season Three a success.

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Thank you, Johnathan!

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Congrats Caroline - can't wait to read it! And thank you Brian for putting this together! It's great work!

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Thank you, Zachary!

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Congratulations! Y’all are inspiring me with your creative writing!

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Well done, everyone, and CONGRATS Caroline!! 🥳

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Congratulations Caroline!

Looking forward to the next season!

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Congrats to Caroline and the honorable mentions, especially P3's very own Frank Kidd!

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Congratulations Caroline!

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Congratulations, Caroline! Great stories all around. Thanks again for hosting and judging!

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Congrats to Caroline! Also, there are some good ones in the honourable mentions. Hello Mercy by Skeptic Fail was an entertaining read.

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Congratulations to the winners. I know that I'm not a strong Sci-fi or Fantasy writer but it was fun coming up with a story. Thank you Brian for the opportunities.

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This is your perfect opportunity to change that, Pennie! Keep writing, and I hope to see more entries from you in the future. You're doing great!

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Thank you Brian, your kind words mean a great deal to me. I am drawn more to writing mystery and thriller but I will still participate when I can.

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Congrats to the winners. We should have a category for Dishonorable Mentions.

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Lol, well, you would not get one of those, Randall!

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